Day 280 – “Yahlom”

Chaim starts out by complaining about how Israel has to do all the work for the UN, uncovering the UNRWA employees in the Gaza Strip who are moonlighting as operatives for terrorist organizations like Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

He then switches to a historical insight, saying that it was 18 years ago today that the Iranian-backed Hezbollah terrorist organization which illegally occupies southern Lebanon kidnapped IDF soldiers Ohad Goldwasser and Eldad Regev hostage by kidnapping them and dragging them into their tunnel network. That sparked the 2006 Second Lebanon War, which Chaim fought in, and we are now facing a growing possibility of another full-scale war breaking out between the IDF and Hezbollah.

He then launches into the story of his unit, the Ya’alom Combat Engineering unit. He says that it was founded in 1984 and it started as a sub-unit within the Sayeret Yael unit, specializing in tunnel warfare, which was becoming a problem for the IDF in the context of the first Lebanon War. By 2006, there was a need for a more specialized unit and it was called “Samur” which Chaim was among the first members of.

These tunnel specialties were built around the experiences that allied armies had fighting enemies that used tunnels, particularly the US experience in Vietnam.

Chaim says that with successive operations, the need to develop these specialties and even build more skill sets grew, including the need to construct and use special tools, sensors, etc.

In this current war, Ya’alom has been at the forefront of operations as the need for the skills and tools they bring to the fight has become more apparent. Chaim says he wants to thank all those who have been fighting in these units, and in this context, he quotes Psalms 92:7-9;When the wicked [a]spring up like grass, and when all the workers of iniquity flourish, it is that they may be destroyed forever. But You, Lord, are on high forevermore. For behold, Your enemies, O Lord, for behold, Your enemies shall perish; all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered.


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