ARC Mini Blog for Day 285 Swords of Iron – Rockets on Galilee


Chaim starts the video by saying that the Galilee region of Israel, where he and his family live, is being targeted with large numbers of rockets fired by the Iranian-backed Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah.

He adds that family members of a staffer at the Aliyah Return Center were recently killed by a rocket that hit their vehicle and Chaim was at the Shivah (memorial) ceremony for these people. He’s been to many Shivah ceremonies as well as funerals over the past 9 months that Israel has been at war.

He adds that the leader of Hezbollah is threatening to escalate the barrages of rockets and he even talked about how Israel’s economy was a strategic target in this war.

But Chaim says despite these threats and all the other problems, the IDF is destroying the terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip, systematically demolishing all the terror tunnels and eliminating the fighting force.

Chaim flashes a Native American arrowhead necklace he got from a Native American pastor which quotes Zechariah 9:14; Then the Lord will be seen over them, and His arrow will go forth like lightning. The Lord God will blow the trumpet, and go with whirlwinds from the south.

Chaim says that this passage reminds him that despite the war being waged against Israel on many fronts, God is in control and will see His plans through to completion.

Chaim says he started a podcast to show what’s really going on in Israel, behind the scenes. On that note, Chaim mentions that the IDF has openly admitted that it is running low on tank ammunition, on the eve of a major war with Hezbollah. But Chaim also mentions a case brought to the High Court of Justice by female soldiers who wanted to join combat units and fight in tanks so that they can make a larger contribution to the war effort.

He also talks about the Orthodox young men who are now going to be drafted, and all this is necessary because of the casualties the IDF has suffered in battle already. This includes 681 soldiers who have been killed in action, another 4,100 who have suffered serious wounds in the war, and another 20,000 who have been less seriously wounded.

He also brings up the question of how Israel can possibly evacuate even more people from Galilee in the event of a war with Hezbollah. He admits that it’s not even theoretically possible and that means that many people are going to have to essentially stay in their bomb shelters for weeks and maybe longer.

He also mentions the difficult economic times Israel is experiencing, with the price of gasoline and other necessary consumer goods and services being much higher than in most other OECD countries.

However, Chaim concludes by quoting a Bible verse which he says brings comfort to him even amongst all the hardships, and that’s Ezekiel 25:17; And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD , when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.


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