ARC Mini blog for Day 288 Swords of Iron – “Time to Put a stop to Houthi terror”


Chaim starts the video by informing his viewers that he is recording the video from his home in the Galilee. He’s on a short break from the war in Gaza, but he shows his viewers the haze and smoke from fires that have been burning not far from his home. These fires were started by rockets fired into Israel by the Iranian-backed Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah, which has illegally taken over control of southern Lebanon, sidelining the internationally recognized government of Lebanon and ignoring the UN peacekeepers who are there as the enforcement mechanism for UN Security Council Resolution 1701.

Chaim says that on the next day, he has to go back to the war in Gaza, despite it being his 13th wedding anniversary. This is one example, among many others, of the sacrifices soldiers like him and their families made in this war.

Next he rhetorically asks what God must think of all this.

To answer his own question, Chaim quotes Isaiah 10:34; He will cut down the thickets of the forest with an iron axe, And Lebanon will fall by the Mighty One.

Chaim also reminds his viewers about the drone attack on Tel Aviv the day before. It was launched by the Iranian-backed Houthi rebel group in Yemen, the same group that’s been launching weapons at civilian shipping in the Gulf of Aden and the Bab al-Mandab straights which for a gateway between the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. They’ve hit ships from several countries including the US, UK and France.

Israel’s air force launched strikes against the Houthis on Saturday morning, striking a major oil refinery and other infrastructure in Hodeida Port.

Chaim also mentions the advisory ruling by the International Court of Justice in the Hague that Israel is in violation of International Law by establishing communities in Judea and Samaria as well as the eastern neighborhoods of Jerusalem. Chaim says the Knesset has recently voted to reject the establishment of a Palestinian State  and then he runs down some of the international agreements that led up to the partition vote in the UN General Assembly on November 29th, 1947.

THis includes the San Remo Conference in 1920 that endorsed the Balfour Declaration of 1917 as well as decisions by the League of Nations in 1922 recognizing the Jewish connection to this country.

There were many other similar decisions rendered by international bodies over the decades that affirm Israel’s right to exist, the Jewish connection to the Land of Israel (including Judea and Samaria) and the several offers that Israel has made to give the Palestinians a State and resolve the national conflict.

Chaim also talks about a recent trip he took, along with other interested groups, to the Aliyah Museum. It included lessons about the first Jewish pioneers who came to establish communities and farms, finding the Land almost completely empty and inhospitable to habitation. Despite this recorded and documented history, the false narrative that Jews from Europe came to this land and stole the country which already had a thriving and fully-functional Arab state in it continues to be believed by millions of people all over the world.

Chaim concludes the video by thanking his viewers for standing up for the truth. In this context he quotes Isaiah 41:10; Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’

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