Day 292 Swords of Iron – “We will stand as one”


Chaim begins by quoting Psalms 109:29; Let mine adversaries be clothed with shame, and let them cover themselves with their own confusion, as with a mantle.

He then gives a salute to all the soldiers fighting against terror in Gaza, the Lebanese border, Judea and Samaria and everywhere else. Chaim says that slowly but surely, security is being restored to Israel.

He asks his viewers to keep praying that these soldiers would be alert and on guard, as it’s not difficult to become complacent and careless when you’re in a seemingly endless cycle of the same routine, even if it involves tension and violence.

Next Chaim talks about Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trip to the US to address Congress and meet with Presidential candidates and other officials and leaders.

He says there are some “cheerleaders for Hamas, death and hatred” who are protesting Netanyahu’s visit. And there are also some clear signs emerging about the double standards when it comes to anti-Semitism being the only acceptable form of racism.

He also mentions the threats of terrorism during the Paris Olympics because Israeli athletes are participating and the threats the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen are making to international shipping through the Bab al-Mendab Striaghts between the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. He says that these evil forces think they can make war on Israel, the US, NATO, and even moderate Arab countries like Saudi Arabia who are not as strongly opposed to Israel as they are.

Chaim also mentions the rockets and other weapons being fired into the Galilee, and it is time for the forces of freedom and democracy, moderation and modernity all over the world to stand together as one.

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