Day 311 Swords of Iron – “Another (Ninth of AV) Tragedy?”


Chaim starts the video by announcing that the Ninth of Av has begun and he says it’s “a great time to pray for victory.:

Chaim explains though, that media outlets around the world are reporting the assessment that Iran and its proxies, especially Lebanese Hezbollah and the Houthi rebels in Yemen, will attack Israel over the next 24 hours. The Ninth of Av is historically a day when calamitous events happen to the Jewish people, including the destruction of both the First and Second Temples and many other things.

Amidst all the tensions, the Pentagon has deployed a missile submarine to the region along with other assets, including the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier battle group has been ordered to increase the speed at which it is making its way here.

Chaim says that the IDF forces deployed in the field are having a difficult time not only with the physical challenges but also the emotional and psychological challenges. They’re trying to maintain vigilance and readiness for battle even as they abstain from food and many other creature comforts.

They try to draw strength from the prophets and the Scriptures, even as they fast and lament the tragedies of the past and hope there won’t be another one to add to the list on this Tisha B’Av.

The scene switches to a Palestinian man in Gaza telling the camera that he wants the Arab and Islamic world to come rescue him from Hamas before they rescue them from Israel. He blames Hamas for all the hardships he and his family are going through and asks for someone to come help them.

The scene shifts again to show part of a recent video giving respect to the IDF for being a citizen’s army that shows up every day and protects the Land and People of Israel.


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