Day 313 Swords of Iron – “Gaza Cribs”

Chaim starts out the video by describing the luxury home he’s standing in. It’s located very near the beach in Rafah, and it is much nicer than the house Chaim and his family live in in Galilee. It has all kinds of amenities and luxuries, and it’s one of many such houses in the Gaza Strip, which is supposed to be an area of desperate and nearly universal poverty.

Chaim says that despite the avarice and hypocrisy of Gaza’s residents, who tell the world about the poverty and oppression they suffer because of Israel, the truth is that the poverty they suffer is mostly because of the corruption and greed of their own leaders, who ruthlessly steal everything that is sent to help the people of Gaza and use it for their own purposes, which includes terrorism against Israel but also feeding their own lusts.

Chaim takes a moment to thank supporters of the Aliyah Return Center who have sent him and his comrades nice treats like beef jerkey, which really hits the spot when there’s a difficult mission to go on and no time to prepare a proper meal.

He also vows, once again, that the IDF will restore peace and security to the residents of Israel and rescue the hostages that Hamas continues to hold captive.

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