Day 357 Swords of Iron – “Blasts”

Chaim starts the video by saying that this is no time to be shy, or silent. It is a time to shout the truth loud and clear for all to hear.

He says that Israel is doing that in regards to Operation Northern Arrows, an operation that has been launched to destroy the threat Hezbollah poses to Israel and allow the citizens of these northern Israeli communities to return to their homes. No country would allow the situation to continue as it is, and Israel is acting decisively to fix it.

He also says that we’re coming up on the Feast of Trumpets, when we blow the Shofar to announce that something significant is occurring. He refers to the prophecy of the Valley of Dry Bones in Ezekial 37 and he also refers to the coronation of King Solomon and other kings of Israel in the Bible, when shofars were blown. He notes that this is where the British monarchy got the idea.

Chaim sites other Biblical events, including the Battle of Jericho, when the shofar was blown, and he says that the events we see happening in front of us today warrant a similar response.

Chaim recalls when he fought in the Second Lebanon War in 2006, as he and his comrades were about to enter Lebanon a rabbi jumped up on a tank and blew a shofar. Chaim says it made him feel so inspired, and that’s about to happen again. He believes that the ground phase of this Third Lebanon War is about to commence. He says no one wants to do this and the air force has already taken out many of Hezbollah’s rockets, along with the launchers and the trained crews who would need to fire rockets. But they’re still coming in, fast and furious, all over the Galilee. Chaim’s own family is under fire, and this is unacceptable.

Chaim mentions a Shi’ite cleric in Lebanon who is adding his voice to a growing chorus calling for Hezbollah to stand down and stop provoking Israel.

In this context, Chaim asks his viewers to support Israel with their prayers and also to give to the Aliyah Return Centers emergency aid initiative.

Chaim then asks his viewers if they are aware that Hezbollah is in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which says there are to be no armed forces south of the Litani River except the Lebanese national army and the UN peacekeepers. But no one is calling Hezbollah to account for this.

Chaim says that the IDF is going to counter the threats in the south and the north, and he asks his audience if they will raise their voices for the truth. He mentions celebrations planned in Spain for the October 7th atrocities, and he laments that there is no organized voice to oppose this.

He concludes by saying that the High Holy Days are coming up, and he invites his viewers to sing a song with him this Shabbat, celebrating the fact that there is a King in Israel.

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