Day 370 Swords of Iron – “Defend the Galilee”

Chaim says he’s in Galilee, and he can hear the booms from constant rocket interceptions and it’s very different from the feeling he had in Gaza. He also mentions the increased terrorist attacks, including stabbing attacks, so it’s very important to always stay vigilant.

He says that the fight against Hezbollah continues. They’ve been severely degraded, but there’s still a lot of difficult and dangerous work to be done in the north. This includes blowing up Hezbollah attack tunnels, which is similar but also very different from the work in Gaza, because there’s different soil and other factors are also different.

But he says that there is also the Iranian threat, and he mentions that one of the ballistic missiles Iran attempted to fire at Israel came back and hit Iranian troops. In this context he quotes Psalms 37:15; “their sword shall enter their own heart, and their bows shall be broken.”

Chaim also mentions how frustrating it is for him to not be in Gaza and to see that Hamas is still able to regroup and reassert itself in some places which he participated in clearing over the past year.

But now he’s up in the Galilee and he’s thinking of Zechariah 11:1; Open your doors, O Lebanon, that fire may devour your cedars.

He says that “we love the Lebanese people” and he says that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently reminded the world that Lebanon used to be called “the pearl of the whole Middle East” but thugs and barbarians took control of it and now, we’ll see Psalms 29:5; the voice of the Lord breaks the cedars, Yes, the Lord splinters the cedars of Lebanon.

Chaim lists all the battles Israel has had to fight to defend the Galilee, including the Second Lebanon War which was his first war, and he says now he’s going back there and he hopes this is the last war, the one that settles the issue once and for all.


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