Day 377 Swords of Iron – “Sinwar Arch Terrorist Eliminated“

Chaim starts the video by saying he was in Gaza for an entire year, looking for the hostages and for the terrorists who were holding them. Now he knows that Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas and chief architect of the October 7th massacre, has been eliminated. Chaim mentions how Sinwar was a prisoner in Israel and while there he had a surgery that saved his life, but instead of using the time he’d been given to do something positive, he used it to build a cult of death. But now he himself is dead, and the world is a better place for it.

In this context he quotes Psalms 37:9-10; For evildoers shall be cut off; But those who wait on the Lord, they shall inherit the earth. For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more; Indeed, you will look carefully for his place, but it shall be no more.

Chaim mentions that two other terrorist leaders who were with Sinwar when he met his end were also eliminated, and it wasn’t planned at all by the IDF, but Chaim believes it WAS planned by the God of Israel.

These evil men were found in possession of large amounts of cash and weapons and Chaim suspects they were going to try and escape from the Gaza Strip, but they didn’t make it.

Chaim believes this marks a major turning point in the conflict, and he entreats those who have heard and maybe even repeated lies about Israel to repent and turn to a new path.

He talks about the lies that Hezbollah and other enemies of Israel are peddling, which many have fallen for, including that Israel is a white colonialist project. Chaim says this is very obviously not true as there is a mountain of historical, archeological, and even genetic evidence that Jews are the indigenous people of this country. In this season of history, the Jews have returned to their ancestral homeland.

The second lie Chaim lists is the lie that October 7th was not an act of “terrorism” but rather an act of “resistance” against something or other.

Another lie Chaim mentions is that Israel is “killing civilians and committing genocide” and being “indiscriminate” in its attacks. He lists some of the reasons this is an objectively untrue statement.

He says that as we’re sitting in our Tabernacles, it’s so important to hold on the truth and reject lies and deciet.

He says that one by one, the evildoers are being removed, and it’s just like what happened in the first Exodus when the children of Israel were brought out of Egypt and Pharoah was removed.

He quotes some passages of Scripture that direct the Children of Israel to “rejoice” at this time, to remember what happened back then and what is promised in the future. It’s also a time to help others, and he says that the Aliyah Return Center is so glad to have the opportunity to help others and he asks his viewers to make a contribution to this effort.

He also says that he always remembers that the Bible tells us how King Solomon celebrated Succot when the first Tempe was dedicated, and Chaim said it reminds him that God is fighting for Israel.

He tells his viewers not to lose heart, the help him get thermal drones for all the IDF units who need them, to keep praying for the soldiers and for victory, and he gives a heads up to all evildoers to take a look at what happened to Yahya Sinwar, and they should know that their day will come, just as his did.


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