Are You Making Aliyah?

ARC Israel Updates

Day 181

Chaim starts out by telling his viewers that in these dark and difficult days, he takes great comfort from the Psalms. As an examle, he quotes Psalms 34:16; The face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.

He then lists some of the things that Israel is facing, including a buildup of Russian troops in Syria, an attempt by ISIS to assasinate an Israeli government Minister, and being on the highest possible alert for a possible war with Hezbollah. He also talks about the misinformation being spread online against Israel, and he says that’s one of the reasons he does these videos is to get the truth out.

Chaim mentions some of the more outrageous lies that have been put out there lately, including by Brazilian President Lulu that Israel has killed 12.5 million people in Gaza, when that’s more people than even live in all of Israel and Gaza combined.

Joe Rogan, a popular podcaster, said that Israel is committing a “mini-Holocaust” in Gaza. And it just goes on and on.

Chaim says he believes Israel is headed for an all-out war with all the terrorist armies surrounding the country and he says that it’s very important for his viewers to continue standing with the truth.

Chaim also mentions that some military experts have testifed that Israel is doing more to protect civilians than any other army in history, but those voices of truth and reason are being drowned out in a tsunami of lies and false accusations.

Chaim says the IDF is on a mission to protect the people of Israel, restore security and push back the terrorists. He says the IDF is protecting the “seed of hope” that Israel embodies for a world that is lost and dying. But the IDF needs the help of people of courage who will stand against the lies and the slander.

On that note, Chaim invites his viewers to join the Aliyah Return Center for Passover, the upcoming Biblical festival that gives so many signs pointing to the identity of Israel as the seed of hope. It’s a festival that talks about human freedom, and even to the issue of Aliyah.

Chaim concludes by quoting Joshua 1:9; Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”


(Day 480) Swords of Iron – “A new Season is Here”

Chaim starts the video by acknowledging that some IDF reserve soldiers are getting tired, ready for this war to be over so they can take off their uniforms and go back to their civilian lives. He talks about some of the different environments that IDF soldiers are being deployed, from the tropical beaches of Gaza to the frozen, snow capped Golan Heights. He also acknowledges that there is not always equipment needed for these different environments, and he says that the IDF welcomes any donations of equipment that will help them get the job done safely and effectively.

Day 479 Swords of Iron – “With you through the fire”

Chaim starts by talking about what a roller coaster of emotions Israelis are on, learning small details about the hostages, hearing that some will be released soon but also learning about the conditions Hamas was able to extract in exchange for releasing them.

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