Day 319 Swords of Iron – “Hostage bodies rescued”
Chaim starts out by describing how in Israel, every street sign is in Hebrew, English and Arabic because Hebrew and Arabic are both official languages of the country and English is the international language that most visitors will be able to use. He then points out that he’s filming this video in a Bedouin tent and the rockets that Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations are firing at Israel don’t ask if the people they kill, maim and wound are Jews, Arabs, Druze, or whatever.
Day 318 Swords of Iron – “Preemptive Strike”
Chaim starts out the video by showcasing a new vehicle that his unit, the Ya’alom Combat Engineers, has recently been issued. He uses this as a metaphor for his belief that although the Jewish people are facing many challenges in this season of history, the wheels of history will turn and God’s will for the Land and People of Israel will be accomplished.
Day 317 Swords of Iron – Intense Suspense”
Chaim starts the video by asking his viewers to pray urgently for the situation in Israel as there has been an alert at the Prime Minister’s residence and there are many other threats coming from Iran and Hezbollah.
Day 316 Swords of Iron – “Pressure for Hostage/Ceasefire Deal?”
Chaim start the video by acknowledging that it’s very hot, but says that won’t stop the IDF from accomplishing its mission to restore order and security to Israel’s borders. He also says that as this war has been ongoing for almost a year now, he can remember fighting in the cold, too.
Day 315 Swords of Iron – “Part of a TEAM”
Chaim starts the video by talking about how the tensions remain high in both the north and the south of Israel, although there has not yet been a major rocket attack from the Iranian-led “Axis of Resistance” as it was threatened to happen for most of the past two weeks.
Day 314 Swords of Iron – “ Prophecy-Deserts will bloom
Chaim starts out by telling his viewers that he’s in the Negev desert, which is a great place to talk about pioneering. He says that at the Ambassador Academy pioneering is one of the topics they teach students about. He mentions the earthquake that happened in Lebanon and Syria which he believes is an answer to the prayers for protection over Israel on Tisha B’Av.
Day 313 Swords of Iron – “Gaza Cribs”
Chaim starts out the video by describing the luxury home he’s standing in. It’s located very near the beach in Rafah, and it is much nicer than the house Chaim and his family live in in Galilee. It has all kinds of amenities and luxuries, and it’s one of many such houses in the Gaza Strip, which is supposed to be an area of desperate and nearly universal poverty.
Chaim says that despite the avarice and hypocrisy of Gaza’s residents, who tell the world about the poverty and oppression they suffer because of Israel, the truth is that the poverty they suffer is mostly because of the corruption and greed of their own leaders, who ruthlessly steal everything that is sent to help the people of Gaza and use it for their own purposes, which includes terrorism against Israel but also feeding their own lusts.
Day 312 Swords of Iron – “Rockets of Terror”
Chaim starts by explaining that rockets have long been part of the strategy the Enemy uses to try and destroy Israel. It began way back in 1970, during the War of Attrition along the Suez Canal.
Day 311 Swords of Iron – “Another (Ninth of AV) Tragedy?”
Chaim starts the video by announcing that the Ninth of Av has begun and he says it’s “a great time to pray for victory.:
Day 310 Swords of Iron – “Good Report”
Chaim starts off the video by talking about grapes, which are tied to the Biblical story from Numbers Chapter 13, where the spies came back from the land of Canaan with different reports.