July 2024

2024 Israel Updates July 2024

Day 276 – Weekends when at home from the front

Chaim begins the video by declaring that little by little, the IDF is clearing Gaza of Hamas and destroying its capability to threaten Israel. He adds, however, that the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen are threatening to attack Saudi airports if the Kingdom dares to normalize relations with Israel. Apparently, the Houthis and their Iranian masters don’t want anyone trying to build a better future for the people in the Middle East, they’d rather everyone just continue down the path of hatred and violence that they’re most comfortable with.

2024 Israel Updates July 2024

Day 271 – On High Alert

Chaim starts the video by saying that it’s day 271 of this war and he’s been doing a video update every day of this war. He says he hopes that his viewers are sharing the videos because it’s so important to try and get the truth out since there are so many lies and distortions being spread about Israel and what’s going on.
He gives as an example a stabbing attack that happened in broad daylight at a shopping mall in Karmiel, a town in northern Israel not too far from where Chaim lives in the Galilee. The two young soldiers who were stabbed were able to fight back and killed their attacker, but one of these soldiers later succumbed to his wounds and died.

2024 Israel Updates July 2024

Day 270 – Lessons Learned

Chaim starts out the video by mentioning that he’s standing in front of an olive tree and then giving some examples of what the Olive Tree represents in various Biblical passages. He says that the olive branch was a symbol of peace from the story of Noah and the Ark in Genesis chapters 6-8. The olive tree is also a symbol of the grafting of God’s people together in the same Covenant relationship with Him, as explained in Romans 11:16-18; For if the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches. And if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive tree, were grafted in among them, and with them became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree, do not boast against the branches.