Are You Making Aliyah?

(Day 493) Swords of Iron – “Ceasefire over”

Chaim starts the video by saying that he’s on a little break from the IDF, but he’s got to keep his weapon with him so he’ll be ready to go back to the battle at any moment. He notes that there is still active fighting in many fronts, including Judea and Samaria, and that the cease-fire agreements in Gaza and Lebanon are both very fragile.

But despite the danger, Chaim and the rest of the Aliyah Return Center crew is planting trees ahead of the holiday of Tu BiSchvat, along with children from the families of Ethiopian immigrants.

He’s also feeling sad for a friend and comrade of his who recently lost around NIS 200,000 because his warehouse burned down and his car got stolen while he was serving in the reserves. Chaim says he’s trying to help his friend any way he can.

At the same time, he mentions one of the thermal drones that the ARC was able to donate to an IDF unit serving in the Gaza Strip. Having the drone enabled this unit to take care of all kinds of problems and it saved many lives already, just in the short time that the unit had it.

Chaim concludes by thanking his viewers and supporters for being a point of light in a very dark world and then the scene shows the Ethiopian immigrants dancing and celebrating at the Aliyah Return Center’s Tu Bi Schvat party.


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