Chaim starts by saying that Israel is in mourning, as people all over the country watched the return to Israel of coffins filled with the remains of Israeli hostages Oded Lifschitz, Shiri, Ariel and Kfir Bibas. Hamas tried to put out a false narrative about how Shiri was a soldier who served in the IDF so that justifies their kidnapping and murdering her and her children, but Chaim says no one is buying this.
Next he says that Hamas has offered an “everything for everything” second phase of the ceasefire, releasing all the remaining hostages in return for all the things they want, including the release of large numbers of Palestinian security prisoners, the withdrawal of the IDF from Gaza and a permanent cease-fire.
Chaim then mentions that there were representatives from all the different terrorist groups which operate in Gaza, not just Hamas, who came to the event where the remains were handed over to the Red Cross. They did this in order to present a “unified front” to the world, and to issue a joint statement blaming Israel for everything that’s happened, including the deaths of these hostages.
Chaim adds that he recognizes the area where the stage was built for this grotesque display, as he’d been there during the war. He says it makes him realize that his work isn’t done, and he won’t take off his uniform till that work is completed.
Next he shows us Hostage Square in Tel Aviv, where there is a memorial set up to all the hostages. We then see scenes from the Bibas family before the attack, with smiling babies and happy family scenes, juxtaposed with scenes of mourners at Hostage Square.
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