Are You Making Aliyah?

(Day 506) Swords of Iron – “Its time to end the charade”

Chaim starts by saying that when tragedy strikes, people get their priorities in order.

He is referring to the hostage crisis here in Israel, as many hostages have been released, rescued or we’ve had their remains returned to Israel. But there are still dozens of people unaccounted for, and we need to keep looking for ways to get them home.

Chaim says he agrees with the decision by Prime Minister Netanyahu to delay the release of Palestinian security prisoners from Israeli jails until we can get some assurances that there will not be any more of these outrageous “ceremonies” surrounding the release of hostages.

Chaim then mentions the funeral of Hassan Nasrallah and Hashem Saif al-Din that was held in Beruit this week. These evil men were killed in Israeli air strikes months ago, but Hezbollah is just now holding a funeral for them and large numbers of Hezbollah supporters, mostly from Lebanon but also from other countries around the world, showed up.

The Israeli Air Force also showed up, buzzing the crowd at low altitude in a warning to Hezbollah and its supporters that the IDF is watching them and they better behave themselves or they’ll end up the same as their departed leadership.

Chaim also mentions the Houthis in Yemen who fired surface-to-air missiles at US aircraft this week, but missed. He says that the US can’t ignore this problem any longer and will need to find a way to keep international shipping lanes open.

He concludes by quoting Malachi 4:2-3; But to you who fear My name the Son of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings; And you shall go out and grow fat like stall-fed calves. You shall trample the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day that I do this,” says the Lord of hosts.


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