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2024 Israel Updates September 2024

Day 337 Swords of Iron – “Holy-Days”

Chaim begins by giving a brief explanation about Rosh Hashanah or “Yom Terurah” which is the traditional beginning of a new Jewish year. Jewish people read comfort passages from the Book of Isaiah, such as Isaiah 51:12; “I, even I, am He who comforts you. Who are you that you should be afraid of a man who will die, and of the son of a man who will be made like grass?”

2024 Israel Updates September 2024

Day 335 Swords of Iron – “Ideology”

Chaim starts by describing the situation in northern Israel right now, with all the aircraft and drones flying overhead. There’s also a lot of cyberwarfare taking place, including attempts to hack the Aliyah Return Center website. Rockets from Hezbollah in Lebanon are falling in the Galilee regularly and there is a general feeling of tension

2024 Israel Updates September 2024

Day 333 Swords of Iron – “Down with Hezbollah”

Chaim begins the video by rhetorically asking if he’s worried about Hezbollah. He then gives a long list of reasons why it makes very good sense to be worried about Hezbollah. He starts with the massive arsenal of rockets, UAV’s and missiles Hezbollah has aimed at the Galilee where Chaim and his family live.

2024 Israel Updates September 2024

Day 330 Swords of Iron: “Exploding Cars-Major Catastrophes Averted Miraculously?”

Chaim starts out by saying that bombs are falling all over the place in Israel and it’s becoming harder and harder for those who love and support Israel to stay the course. There’s sides being picked and lines being drawn, and many are taking a stand against Israel while few are willing to stand on the Word of God and its promises to this country.

2024 August 2024 Israel Updates

Day 329 Swords of Iron – “Pillar Of Cloud ”

Chaim starts by mentioning that it’s been almost a year since Hamas started this war by attacking Israel and carrying out a massacre of Israeli civilians in the Gaza border communities. Chaim says that the IDF will continue to restore security to Israel by destroying the capabilities of Hamas to carry out further terrorist attacks. But Hamas wants a cease-fire while Israel wants the remaining hostages to be released, so there is a tension between these two goals.

2024 August 2024 Israel Updates

Day 328 Swords of Iron – “Live In the cleft of the rock”

Chaim starts the video by showing the viewers a hive of honeybees in the side of a hill that he’s at near the Gaza border. He says that he likes how the bees know where their home is, and he compares this to the way the Jewish people also know where their home is. He says that it’s difficult sometimes to be in the cleft of the rock where God put you, but that’s the best place to be, because it’s the center of God’s will for your life.