Day 150

In this video, Chaim doesn’t speak to his viewers, but simply shows them a montage of the views he’s seeing in Gaza as a friend sings a worship song in the background of the video.

Are you sure you go?

Restoration of generations, Restoration of Israel.

Restoration of generations, You’re the God of miracles 

Restoration of parents and children, Restoration of husbands and wives 

Restoration of Brothers and Sisters, all alive through Yeshua, 

You do the unthinkable, Yeshua


Restoration of generations, Restoration of Israel 

Restoration of generations, Atah El Niflaot

Restoration of the North, of the South, Restoration of the 12 Tribes

Restoration of Israel, all united through Yeshua 

You do the unthinkable, Yeshua

You’re the God of miracles


You do the unthinkable

You’re the God of miracles, You’re the God of miracles

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