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ARC Israel Updates

Day 395 Swords of Iron – “Iran threatens to destroy us”

Chaim says that Israel is living through a historic epoch which he thinks is comparable to the Exodus out of Egypt into the Promised Land and the survival of a remnant of Jews during the Holocaust. He thinks this current war, and the miraculous victories Israel is seeing, are comparable to the miracles that happened in the 1967 Six Day War and the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

As proof of this, he cites his own personal experiences and observations seeing the incredible amounts of weapons and sophisticated hi-tech equipment that Hezbollah has to use against Israel, that it didn’t use. Instead, the IDF is capturing large quantities of this stuff and bringing it back to Israel.

He also mentions the Iranian attack, which the regime in Teheran is threatening will be the most effective attack they’ve ever launched and they’re saying it can come at any moment. Chaim briefly discusses some of the ways that the IDF is trying to prepare for this attack and also plan counter-attacks, but there are no options that don’t involve Israeli planes penetrating Iranian airspace, which is still somewhat defended by Iranian air-defence systems.

He says that Iran is in a competition for the leadership of the Islamic fundamentalist and jihadist world, and the threats to attack Israel are part of that competition.

Chaim takes a moment to thank the US for sending air defense systems and warplanes to help defend Israel from an Iranian attack and also strike back if necessary, and Chaim says that we need to take note of what we’ve seen before and not lose hope. He says that Iran’s best missiles have been fired at Israel and they failed to destroy their targets.

In this context, Chaim quotes Psalms 145:20; The Lord preserves all who love Him, but all the wicked He will destroy. And Psalms 147:6; The Lord lifts up the humble; He casts the wicked down to the ground.

He concludes by thanking his viewers for standing strong on the promises of God in this difficult season we’re passing through.




(Day 509) Swords of Iron – “Burying Family”

Chaim starts by talking about how the entire nation of Israel watched the funeral of Shiri Bibas and her sons Ariel and Kfir, who were murdered in cold blood after being kidnapped into the Gaza Strip on October 7th, 2023.

(Day 508) Swords of Iron – “Bibas Lifshitz Funerals”

Chaim starts out by telling his viewers that he is at Kibbutz Nir Oz for the funeral of Oded Lifchitz, whose coffin had already arrived by the time he started filming, and the coffins of Shiri Bibas and her two baby children, Ariel and Kfir, will be coming the next day.

(Day 507) Swords of Iron – “Stamp It Out”

Chaim starts by saying that Hamas fired a rocket at Israel that landed inside the Strip, which is still a violation of the cease-fire agreement. He says that the vile displays of contempt for hostages by Hamas is also a violation and must stop. He then says that Phase B of the ceasefire is proceeding and this will include Hamas leaving Gaza for good.

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