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ARC Israel Updates

Day 474 Swords of Iron – “ For I know the thoughts I think towards you”

Chaim starts out by mentioning the “emotional roller coaster” of waiting for the next round of hostage releases. But Israelis are also on guard as large numbers of violent terrorists are also being released as part of this arrangement and there is already a rise in violence in Judea and Samaria. There have also been attacks in Tel Aviv and we have to be on guard everywhere, on all the borders.

But Chaim and his team were given a day of relaxation and group counseling sessions accompanied by a barbecue and other recreational activities.

It was needed because as they get demobilized and go home, there’s going to a be a lot of changes very quickly and they’ll have to adjust in order to go back to their regular jobs, families and routines. Some of those changes are already happening with IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi announcing his resignation, a large increase in the amount of aid trucks going into Gaza, and the Palestinians celebrating as if they won a big victory. That is both irritating and sad, and it also raises the question of how can we ever resolve things with people who so militantly refuse to believe the reality of what is literally right in front of their eyes.

Chaim also talks about the stabbing attack in Tel Aviv which ended quickly when the stabber was put down by an armed citizen. Chaim says that a good shepherd carries a staff (weapon) to protect the sheep with. It reminds him of when he first began talking about the IDF being good shepherds, protecting their flocks,  in an interview he did on Fox News near the beginning of the war.

Chaim then talks about some of the solutions being discussed for the problems that this war has caused, including a long-term military government for Gaza, relocating the population to Indonesia, bringing in the PLO to govern the territory, and other ideas.

Chaim also mentions the looming end of the scheduled cease-fire in Lebanon, and the possible need to either extend it or simply end it and go back to fighting Hezbollah, but he believes that with the arrival of President Trump on the scene, things will start to settle down.

He also mentions the search for a new IDF Chief of staff, and it is all making him think about what is motivating him and the rest of the soldiers. He says that they’re obviously motivated by a desire to protect their homes and families, but he is also inspired by the promises in the Bible. One he’s been hoiding on to for a long time is Deuteronomy 33:26; “There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, Who rides the heavens to help you, and in His excellency on the clouds.”




(Day 487) Swords of Iron – “USA Sanctions”

Chaim starts by saying how much he loves seeing the green fields near the Gaza border area. He says the rains have come and this area is beginning to recover from the wounds of war, as the area is nervously watching the cease-fire hold and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is visiting the US, meeting with President Trump and others.

(Day 484) Swords of Iron – “Home sweet Home”

Chaim starts out by saying that the hostage release mechanism that is part of a broader cease-fire deal between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip is difficult to accept, since it includes the release of so many high-profile terrorists from Israeli prisons. It is also difficult to watch the barbaric conditions under which some of the Israeli hostages are being released.

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