August 2024

2024 August 2024 Israel Updates

Day 329 Swords of Iron – “Pillar Of Cloud ”

Chaim starts by mentioning that it’s been almost a year since Hamas started this war by attacking Israel and carrying out a massacre of Israeli civilians in the Gaza border communities. Chaim says that the IDF will continue to restore security to Israel by destroying the capabilities of Hamas to carry out further terrorist attacks. But Hamas wants a cease-fire while Israel wants the remaining hostages to be released, so there is a tension between these two goals.

2024 August 2024 Israel Updates

Day 328 Swords of Iron – “Live In the cleft of the rock”

Chaim starts the video by showing the viewers a hive of honeybees in the side of a hill that he’s at near the Gaza border. He says that he likes how the bees know where their home is, and he compares this to the way the Jewish people also know where their home is. He says that it’s difficult sometimes to be in the cleft of the rock where God put you, but that’s the best place to be, because it’s the center of God’s will for your life.

2024 August 2024 Israel Updates

Day 327 Swords of Iron – “Set the captives free!”

Chaim starts out by talking about how it’s been a season of miracles in Israel, with this latest miraculous rescue of another Israeli hostage being the latest. He quotes David Ben Gurion, the founding father of modern Israel, who said “In Israel, in order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles.”

2024 August 2024 Israel Updates

Day 324 Swords of Iron – ““Did Israel just successfully delay Armageddon?”

Chaim starts by saying that Israel’s enemies are not taking any breaks in this war and Israel and its allies can’t take any breaks either. He points out that it’s not just Hamas and Hezbollah firing at Israel, it’s also the Houthis in Yemen firing missiles at ships in international waters. It’s all of Iran’s proxies in the Middle East endlessly making war on the Free World.

2024 August 2024 Israel Updates

Day 321 “What if this happened in your country?

Chaim starts out the video by saying how hypocritical it is that Yahya Sinwar, who has called on Palestinians to die for the jihad against Israel and has even said he wants his own children to die for it, is now adding a condition to the talks for a cease-fire that he be given a guarantee that Israel will not assassinate him.