Are You Making Aliyah?

ARC Israel Updates

Day 352 Swords of Iron – “That’s it!”

Chaim starts the video by telling his viewers he’s still fighting on the Gaza front, even as the Third Lebanon War has begun in the north. Israel’s air force has destroyed large numbers of Hezbollah’s vaunted rocket and missile arsenal. They also took out several of the most senior commanders of Hezbollah’s Radwan force as they were in a meeting with Hezbollah’s Chief of Staff, Ibrahim Aqil.

This meeting was being held to plan an October 7th-style invasion of the Galilee, which is of personal interest to Chaim because he lives in the Galilee along with his family.

Chaim says that this threat has receded for now, but Iran is threatening to get involved and Israel might be compelled to launch a ground incursion into Lebanon to push back the Hezbollah forces deployed there.

Chaim also praises the pager and walkie-talkie attacks against Hezbollah leaders, saying this was the most precision anti-terror strike ever carried out. Chaim says he hopes the Hezbollah people got the message these pagers were sending, which is “don’t be a terrorist” and fire rockets at Israeli civilians.

Chaim also mentions Fuad Shukr, who like Aqil was wanted by the Americans for involvement in the bombing attacks against the US Embassy and the Marine barracks in Beirut in 1983. Chaim says that taking these evil men off the battlefield sent a message to all of Hezbollah and their supporters, that there will NOT be an invasion of the Galilee. But Chaim laments the fact that so much of the civilized world still doesn’t understand that Israel is fighting against the forces of barbarism on their behalf.

He mentions the recent UNGA Resolution, which passed with 124 votes in favor, demanding that Israel retreat from Judea and Samaria, as well as Gaza and even eastern neighborhoods of Jerusalem.

Chaim declares that the IDF are “peacemakers” and that “peace doesn’t just happen.” It usually follows the defeat and destruction of evil people doing bad things for wicked reasons.

Chaim adds that it can also come when human being make their own personal peace with God by asking Him in prayer what He wants them to do, to submit their will to His and take their place in His plans and purposes. In this context, he mentions the Aliyah Return Center and its goal of assisting in the work that is prophesied about in the Scriptures.

In this context, he quotes Psalms 125:2; As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people from this time forth and forever.

He concludes with a prayer that God would bring back the remaining hostages and give the IDF full victory in this war, as He gave it in the past.


(Day 509) Swords of Iron – “Burying Family”

Chaim starts by talking about how the entire nation of Israel watched the funeral of Shiri Bibas and her sons Ariel and Kfir, who were murdered in cold blood after being kidnapped into the Gaza Strip on October 7th, 2023.

(Day 508) Swords of Iron – “Bibas Lifshitz Funerals”

Chaim starts out by telling his viewers that he is at Kibbutz Nir Oz for the funeral of Oded Lifchitz, whose coffin had already arrived by the time he started filming, and the coffins of Shiri Bibas and her two baby children, Ariel and Kfir, will be coming the next day.

(Day 507) Swords of Iron – “Stamp It Out”

Chaim starts by saying that Hamas fired a rocket at Israel that landed inside the Strip, which is still a violation of the cease-fire agreement. He says that the vile displays of contempt for hostages by Hamas is also a violation and must stop. He then says that Phase B of the ceasefire is proceeding and this will include Hamas leaving Gaza for good.

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