Day 456 Swords of Iron – “You have the miracle of the oil”
Chaim starts the video making a reference to the recently concluded festival of Hanukkah, also known as the “Feast of Lights” and he says that in the new year 2025 we must continue shining our lights in this dark place. He says that he believes we’re moving into a period of time when miracles will become more commonplace. He mentions the miracle of the oil in the Hanukkah story, and he says that sometimes one might feel like they don’t have enough “oil” inside them for whatever task is at hand. He admits that he sometimes feels that way himself, but the way to get more is to keep serving God, and He will provide according to our needs.
He says that this principle is true for everyone. If they keep our light shining, the strenght to continue will come and miracles will happen to aid us on our way.
He mentions the deteriorating security situation in the US and Europe, and he says this is a natural outgrowth of the call to “globalize the intifada” and he says that this challenge must be met. Free peoples all over the world need to rise up and push this rising tide of barbarism back.