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Day 398 Swords of Iron – “Ripples in around the world”

Chaim starts by saying this is a time when everyone needs to ask themselves where they stand. He says that the election of Donald Trump to the US Presidency is an example for all of us to look to…

Day 397 Swords of Iron – “Victory”

Chaim starts out the video by congratulating US President-elect Donald Trump and referencing the congratulatory message Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who said it was "the greatest political comeback ever" and reaffirmed the strong alliance between Israel and the…

Day 396 Swords of Iron – “Elections”

Chaim starts out by saying that everyone in Israel is in suspense, wondering how the elections in the US will go. The relationship between Israel and the US is so strong and important that Israelis are naturally very concerned…

Day 395 Swords of Iron – “Iran threatens to destroy us”

Chaim says that Israel is living through a historic epoch which he thinks is comparable to the Exodus out of Egypt into the Promised Land and the survival of a remnant of Jews during the Holocaust. He thinks this…

Day 394 Swords of Iron – “The Plot Thickens”

Chaim starts by informing his viewers that Shabbat wasn't very peaceful in northern Israel this week because of the large numbers of rockets and UAV's that Hezbollah fired into the Galilee. He says that this can't be allowed to…

Day 393 Swords of Iron – “Replacement”

Chaim starts out by mentioning the large number of rockets Hezbollah has fired into Israel in recent days, but the people of Israel are saying they won't be afraid. Chaim says this is even more important as Iran continues…

Day 392 Swords of Iron – “Keeping The Peace”

Chaim begins by saying he's just going to talk to his viewers like friends, as it's almost Shabbat and time to enter into a time of rest. But he says it's difficult to relax because there's been yet another…

Day 391 Swords of Iron – “Light in a Tunnel of darkness”

Chaim starts out by saying it's always been difficult to stand on the side of truth over lies and deceit, but it's worth it because the truth and righteousness will always win in the end.

Day 390 Swords of Iron – “Isaiah 40 Comfort my people”

Chaim starts the video by mentioning that 12,000 Israelis have been wounded since this war began, most of them soldiers but also some civlians who were wounded in terrorist attacks or rocket attacks. He then adds that these are…

Day 389 Swords of Iron – “Victory On The Horizon?”

Chaim starts the video by praising Israel's strike on Iran, saying it restored some deterrence, but there's a question mark about whether the Iranian's actually got the message.

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