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Day 388 Swords of Iron – “Hostage Deal”

Chaim starts the video by mentioning the plan Egypt has proposed for there to be a 2 day cease fire in Gaza in exchange for four Israeli hostages. This would be followed by a longer cease-fire and the plan…

Day 387 Swords of Iron – “Israel remains undefeated”

Chaim starts the video by explaining that according to the Hebrew calendar, which is lunar, this is the day to commemorate the massacres of October 7th, 2023.

Day 386 Swords of Iron – “Israel retaliates against Iran”

Chaim starts the video by talking about the earthquake alert that many people in Israel's Galilee region got on their phones this morning, but it later turned out to not be an earthquake but rather it was the demolition…

Day 385 Swords of Iron – “Zionism”

Chaim starts by saying how amazing it is that in Israel today, everyone can celebrate Simchat Torah, but there's an even bigger miracle happening before our eyes. He says that Iran, a large, powerful country, has been preparing to…

Day 384 Swords of Iron – “A Time of Renewal” 

Chaim begins the video by asking his viewers if they know what day it is. Then he tells them that it's "Simchat Torah" the day after the end of the Feast of Tabernacles when

Day 383 Swords of Iron – “Layers and Lairs, of Terror“

Chaim says that after a year in Gaza, and now he's been deployed to fight in Lebanon, he's seeing an enormous quantity of weapons and ammunition that Hezbollah meant

Day 382 Swords of Iron – “When Duty Calls“

Chaim starts the video by acknowledging that the sky is black with explosions, from intercepted rockets, but "a new day is dawning".

Day 381 Swords of Iron – “Restoration Gold“

Chaim starts the video by inviting his viewers to join in the restoration of Israel. He tells the story about how the Aliyah Return Center has received gold and silver jewellery over the years. This is reminiscent of the…

Day 380 Swords of Iron – “Victory for Light over Dark Radwan Force Tunnels“

Chaim starts the video by saying that he's back in southern Lebanon for the first time since he fought in the Second Lebanon War in 2006. He says he can remember that first war like it was yesterday, but…

Day 379 Swords of Iron – “Commanded to rejoice, even in time of war“

Chaim starts out the video by stating the obvious, that there's a LOT going on in Israel over the Succot holiday. He mentions the attempt by terrorists to infiltrate into Israel from Jordan, the dropping of aid parcels to…

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