September 2024

2024 Israel Updates September 2024

Day 342 Swords of Iron – “Some of our Neighborhood History”

Chaim starts the video by saying that he’s at the Philidelphi Corridor near the Rafah Crossing between Gaza and Egypt and it’s necessary to constantly pay attention because there’s so much going on. There’s constant gunfire and explosions. Chaim also mentions the helicopter which the IDF sent to rescue a wounded soldier but instead, it crashed, killing two of the crew and wounding several others.

2024 Israel Updates September 2024

Day 341 Swords of Iron – “911 – Calling for Global Unity against terror ”

Chaim starts out by talking about the terrorist attacks against the US on September 11th, 2001 and he compares this to the attacks against Israel on October 7th, 2023. He says that the civilized world must unite in their efforts to push back against this terrorism and this darkness.

2024 Israel Updates September 2024

Day 340 Swords of Iron – “Oppression”

Chaim starts out by saying it’s another day to be alive and defend the people of Israel.

He mentions the terror tunnels that Hamas has dug which he and his comrades are finding and destroying, one by one. He says that the wicked and the lawless need to beware that the righteous are coming for them. He mentions the attempted terror attack that was broken up by Israeli Police on Highway 6, the main north-south highway in Israel.

2024 Israel Updates September 2024

Day 337 Swords of Iron – “Holy-Days”

Chaim begins by giving a brief explanation about Rosh Hashanah or “Yom Terurah” which is the traditional beginning of a new Jewish year. Jewish people read comfort passages from the Book of Isaiah, such as Isaiah 51:12; “I, even I, am He who comforts you. Who are you that you should be afraid of a man who will die, and of the son of a man who will be made like grass?”

2024 Israel Updates September 2024

Day 335 Swords of Iron – “Ideology”

Chaim starts by describing the situation in northern Israel right now, with all the aircraft and drones flying overhead. There’s also a lot of cyberwarfare taking place, including attempts to hack the Aliyah Return Center website. Rockets from Hezbollah in Lebanon are falling in the Galilee regularly and there is a general feeling of tension