Are You Making Aliyah?

(Day 495) Swords of Iron – “Ultimatum coming”

Chaim starts by saying that he’s still on leave from the IDF, spending time with his family, but he knows that he must be ready to return at a moment’s notice because the cease-fire could be over very quickly.

But while he’s at the Aliyah Return Center, he wants to show his viewers around a little bit. He starts by showing them a few buildings that are used to house new immigrants when they come, but at the moment these buildings aren’t being used because there aren’t many new immigrants coming and those that are don’t come to the northern part of the country right away. So Chaim has opened up the buildings as a rest and recreational place for soldiers on leave.

However, getting back to the possibility that the cease-fire could end very quickly, US President Donald Trump is giving Israel cover to go back to war full speed with Hamas if the hostages are not released by Saturday at noon. He thinks all the hostages should be released immediately, not a few at a time once a week as has been the procedure up till now.

Chaim wonders if this is practical and he asks his viewers to leave comments on the video saying what they think about Trump and the general situation.

Chaim also mentions the threats from the Houthis in Yemen and Hezbollah in Lebanon to reinitiate hostilities against Israel if the fighting in Gaza starts again. Chaim says that the Americans know that Iran is behind all this and they must be forcefully confronted.

Chaim says that the US Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, has said the Trump Administration will put America’s interests first going forward, but Chaim says that what everyone must put first is the Bible, the Word of God.

In this context, he concludes by quoting Genesis 12:7; Then the Lord appeared to Abram and said, “To your descendants I will give this land.” And there he built an altar to the Lord, who had appeared to him.

This, Chaim says, is a covenant, which is more important than military or political power here on Earth. He then says he’s excited to be alive at this time and he knows Israel will be victorious in this war.



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