Israel Updates

2024 Israel Updates September 2024

Day 356 Swords of Iron – “It’s natural to defend your country from annihilation”

Chaim starts by saying he’s in Rafah, in southern Gaza, and he’s with another soldier who speaks English because he’s a dual citizen of Israel and another English speaking country. Chaim asks him why he’s here fighting in the IDF, since he has the option of using his passport from this other country to avoid it.

2024 Israel Updates September 2024

Day 355 Swords of Iron – “IDF Calls up Battalions”

Chaim starts the video by saying that he finds it absurd that anyone would call Israel a “warmonger” country because we definitely don’t want wars but if they come to us we would rather win them than lose them. Chaim also says that he has children and a job and all kinds of other things that he has to be away from when he gets called up to be in the IDF reserves. All the other reservists also have other things they’d rather be doing, but the war that was imposed on Israel has forced them to leave all that and fight in the Army.

2024 Israel Updates September 2024

Day 354 Swords of Iron – “Verses of encouragement”

Chaim starts the video noting that people all over the world seem to be focused on what Israel is doing, but this should not be a surprise because Psalm 137:5-6; If I forget you, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its skill! If I do not remember you, let my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth—if I do not exalt Jerusalem above my chief joy.

2024 Israel Updates September 2024

Day 353 Swords of Iron – “Timeline of redemption”

Chaim begins by mentioning that he’s in Galilee and there’s lots of incoming ordnance. His own children are hearing and experiencing it, and Israel is hitting back hard at Hezbollah positions in Lebanon. But Hezbollah is not even pretending to want to try and establish a Palestinian State, they’re just terrorizing Israelis because they hate Israel and the Jewish people. They do not even have a pretense of working towards some kind of positive vision for the future.

2024 Israel Updates September 2024

Day 352 Swords of Iron – “That’s it!”

Chaim starts the video by telling his viewers he’s still fighting on the Gaza front, even as the Third Lebanon War has begun in the north. Israel’s air force has destroyed large numbers of Hezbollah’s vaunted rocket and missile arsenal. They also took out several of the most senior commanders of Hezbollah’s Radwan force as they were in a meeting with Hezbollah’s Chief of Staff, Ibrahim Aqil.

2024 Israel Updates September 2024

Day 351 Swords of Iron – “Eliminate Terror/Restore Peace”

Chaim starts out by saying that he’s still down on the Gaza envelope region, but according to Israeli news portal Channel 13, the Third Lebanon War has begun. He mentions the large air strikes that took out dozens of rocket launchers and over 1,000 rockets which were loaded and ready to fire. The air force also took out some more senior Hezbollah field commanders in Beruit. This included the commanders of the Radwan Force, which was designed to invade Galilee, but there are now several of their most capable fighters who won’t be participating in that invasion, if it even happens.