Day 294 Swords of Iron – “Hostages bodies Rescued”

Chaim begins the video by talking about the hostages who are still spending their Shabbat’s in Hamas terror tunnels, deprived of their freedoms and most basic human rights. He says that the IDF must continue pressing in and trying to find and rescue these hostages so that they can spend their Shabbat’s at home.

He mentions that in the previous day, the remains of five Israeli hostages were rescued from a tunnel in Khan Yunis. He says that it’s impossible to know if they’re alive or dead until they are located. This time they were located in a tunnel underneath a humanitarian safe zone, and Chaim says these tunnels were prepared for this purpose for many years.

Chaim also says that he’s asking himself why these tunnels weren’t destroyed years ago, including by himself when he was in Gaza during previous military operations there.

Regardless, Chaim says that this is a time to comfort those who mourn, and the entire Jewish and Israeli people are mourning right now. In this context, he quotes Isaiah 40:1; “Comfort, yes, comfort My people!” Says your God.

Chaim asks his viewers to pray for the Israeli people to be comforted and for strong leaders to arise who won’t put up with nonsense. He also thanks Eric Stackleback for his moral clarity, showing a clip of Eric talking about the rise of anti-Semitism, and to give a plug for the Aliyah Return Center and the work we do.

This includes the Lighthouse project to build a headquarters building for the Aliyah Return Center in the city of Tiberius.


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